5 Reasons Language Learning is the Cure for Lockdown
The worldwide shutdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has closed border and brought international travel to a halt. In these uncertain times, it can feel like we’ve lots control of everything. But online language learning can offer the perfect solution to take back control and combat many of the issues and stressors of being locked in your house.
Here are 5 ways learning (or teaching) a language online is the PERFECT thing to do during quarantine
1. Provides Routine
Any Google search on “How to survive a quarantine” or “Staying sane during lockdown” will tell you that having a routine is one of the best strategies for keeping healthy while stuck at home. Committing to your language sessions and having them scheduled on a regular basis is a GREAT way to keep a routine. Plus, if you’re paying for those sessions (or if someone is paying you to teach them) its especially motivating to get out of bed and get to studying!
2. Way to Invest in YOU
With so many things slowing down and so many unknowns, one thing that can help with so much uncertainty is to find something that we actually CAN control. This can be a great opportunity to invest in yourself and online language learning can provide the way. Learning another language can also be a great way to enhance your resume if you’re thinking of future careers, and if you’re planning to travel or move abroad, but it was put on hold, get a jump on language learning so you can adapt more quickly when you get there!
3. Expands your MIND
Another danger of life under lockdown is watching Netflix a liiiiiiiittle too often…am I right? Or, if your like me with toddlers at home…I like Peppa pig for a couple of days, but after a while I can feel my brain turning to mush…
Developing language skills can work your brain in a very unique way. There are countless benefits including:
Better decision making skills
Improved Memory
Increased attention span
Improved ability to multitask
Who couldn’t use improved ability to multitask right now??!
4. Gives Perspective
This is such a unique time in history. We are all in this together and everyone is dealing with such a similar situation…yet because cultures are so varied, it’s also quite different? Could you imagine how a culture different from your own is dealing with this? Speaking with someone going through the pandemic in a different context can offer a new perspective, which is so helpful.
5. Offers Connection in Isolation
We all miss human connection… and if you’re not used to connecting through video chats, it can take some getting used to for sure. But with a little practice, it truly can provide a way to nourish or form a relationship. And since companies all over the world are putting efforts into strengthening their online presences, you may find more opportunities for online language learning now than were available a couple of months ago. Don’t assume there are not opportunities in the language you’re interested in…hop online and search out the opportunities!
Are you convinced yet? Now’s the time to act! None of us knows how long this will last, so why not take control and use this time to invest in you. And if Arabic is the language you’ve always dreamed of learning, check out Shababeek Center, where the fun method of experiential learning will have you interacting completely in Arabic from the very first day.